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Displaying 401 - 410

Mahama, John Dramani

(Encyclopedia) Mahama, John DramaniMahama, John Dramanidrämäˈnē mähäˈmä [key], 1958–, Ghanaian political leader, grad. Univ. of Ghana, Legon (1981, 1986), Institute of Social Sciences, Moscow (1988…

Noda, Yoshihiko

(Encyclopedia) Noda, Yoshihiko, 1957–, Japanese political leader, prime minister of Japan, (2011–12), b. Funabashi, studied Waseda Univ. (grad. 1980) and Matsushita Institute of Government and…

Ingraham, Hubert Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Ingraham, Hubert AlexanderIngraham, Hubert Alexanderĭngˈgrəm [key], 1947–, Bahamian political leader, prime minister of the Bahamas (1992–2002, 2007–12), b. Cooper's Town, Abaco. A…

International Civil Aviation Organization

(Encyclopedia) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), specialized agency of the United Nations, organized in 1947, with headquarters at Montreal. The objective of the ICAO, which has 190…

Lee Hsien Loong

(Encyclopedia) Lee Hsien LoongLee Hsien Loonglē shyĕn l&oomacr;ng [key], 1952–, prime minister of Singapore (2004–). The eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, Lee was…

Duceppe, Gilles

(Encyclopedia) Duceppe, GillesDuceppe, Gilleszhēl düsĕpˈ [key], 1947–, French-Canadian separatist politician, b. Montreal. A union negotiator from 1977 to 1990 and a Quebec separtatist from 1967,…

Dyer, Eliphalet

(Encyclopedia) Dyer, EliphaletDyer, Eliphaletəlĭfˈəlĭtˌ [key], 1721–1807, American jurist, b. Windham, Conn. After serving in the state legislature for several years, Dyer took part in the French and…

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh

(Encyclopedia) Rasmussen, Anders FoghRasmussen, Anders Foghänˈdərs fō räsˈm&oobreve;sən [key], 1953–, Danish political leader, prime minister of Denmark (2001–9), b. Ginnerup. Trained as an…

Baldwin, Abraham

(Encyclopedia) Baldwin, Abraham, 1754–1807, American political leader, b. Guilford, Conn. After serving as a chaplain in the American Revolution, he studied law and in 1784 was admitted to practice…

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

(Encyclopedia) Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), alliance organized (1954) under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty by representatives of Australia, France, Great Britain, New…