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(Encyclopedia) Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)Lucretiusl&oomacr;krēˈshəs [key], c.99 b.c.–c.55 b.c., Roman poet and philosopher. Little is known about his life. A chronicle of St. Jerome speaks…

Dione, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) DioneDionedīōˈnē [key], in astronomy, one of the named moons, or natural satellites, of Saturn. Also known as Saturn IV (or S4), Dione is 695 mi (1,120 km) in diameter, orbits Saturn…

chansons de geste

(Encyclopedia) chansons de gestechansons de gesteshäNsôNˈ də zhĕst [key] [Fr.,=songs of deeds], a group of epic poems of medieval France written from the 11th through the 13th cent. Varying in length…


(Encyclopedia) Chronicles, two books of the Bible, originally a single work in the Hebrew canon (the final book of that canon), called First and Second Chronicles in the Authorized Version, and…

Domesday Book

(Encyclopedia) Domesday BookDomesday Bookd&oomacr;mzˈdā [key], record of a general census of England made (1085–86) by order of William I (William the Conqueror). The survey ascertained the…

Holmes, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Holmes, William Henry, 1846–1933, American geologist, anthropologist, and museum director, b. Harrison co., Ohio. He was internationally recognized for his work in museum science. In…


(Encyclopedia) honey, sweet, viscid fluid produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers. The nectar is taken from the flower by the worker bee and is carried in the honey sac back to the hive. It…

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

(Encyclopedia) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, collective name given several English monastic chronicles in Anglo-Saxon, all stemming from a compilation made from old annals and other sources c.891. Although…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 glycineglycineglīˈsēn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Glycine is the only one of these amino acids that is not optically…


(Encyclopedia) aqueductaqueductăkˈwədŭkt [key] [Lat.,=conveyor of water], channel or trough built to convey water, chiefly for providing a densely populated region with a supply of freshwater. The…