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(Encyclopedia) CE5 Lines of induction around a single bar magnet and between opposite poles of different magnets magnetism, force of attraction or repulsion between various substances, especially…


(Encyclopedia) mortmainmortmainmôrtˈmānˌ [key] [Fr.,=dead hand], ownership of land by a perpetual corporation. The term originally denoted tenure (see tenure, in law) by a religious corporation, but…


(Encyclopedia) monismmonismmōˈnĭzəm [key] [Gr.,=belief in one], in metaphysics, term introduced in the 18th cent. by Christian von Wolff for any theory that explains all phenomena by one unifying…

Matthew, Gospel according to

(Encyclopedia) Matthew, Gospel according to, 1st book of the New Testament. Scholars conjecture that it was written for the church at Antioch toward the end of the 1st cent. Traditonally regarded as…

De Smet, Pierre Jean

(Encyclopedia) De Smet, Pierre JeanDe Smet, Pierre Jeanpyĕr zhäN də smĕtˈ [key], 1801–73, Jesuit missionary in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, b. Belgium. He emigrated to the United States in 1821,…

clothes moth

(Encyclopedia) clothes moth, name for several species of moths of the family Tineidae, whose larvae feed on wool, furs, feathers, upholstery, and a variety of animal products. Clothes moths are of…

Guzmán Blanco, Antonio

(Encyclopedia) Guzmán Blanco, AntonioGuzmán Blanco, Antonioäntōˈnyō g&oomacr;smänˈ blänˈkō [key], 1829–99, president of Venezuela, a caudillo who dominated the nation from 1870 to 1888. Son of…


(Encyclopedia) gland, organ that manufactures chemical substances. A gland may vary from a single cell to a complex system of tubes that unite and open onto a surface through a duct. The endocrine…


(Encyclopedia) refining, any of various processes for separating impurities from crude or semifinished materials. It includes the finer processes of metallurgy, the fractional distillation of…

resistance, in electricity

(Encyclopedia) resistance, property of an electric conductor by which it opposes a flow of electricity and dissipates electrical energy away from the circuit, usually as heat. Optimum resistance is…