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(Encyclopedia) epitheliumepitheliumĕpˌəthēˈlēəm [key], sheet of tissue that covers or lines the external and internal body surfaces. The epithelium is closely packed, has little intercellular…


(Encyclopedia) monazitemonazitemŏnˈəzīt [key], yellow to reddish-brown natural phosphate of the rare earths, mainly the cerium and lanthanum metals, usually with some thorium. Yttrium, calcium, iron…

nitrogen mustard

(Encyclopedia) nitrogen mustard, any of various poisonous compounds originally developed for military use (see poison gas). Like mustard gas and lewisite, it is a vesicant (blistering agent). In the…

Yellow Book

(Encyclopedia) Yellow Book, English illustrated quarterly published (1894–97) in book form in London. Henry Harland was literary editor, and Aubrey Beardsley, whose exotic and provocative drawings…


(Encyclopedia) blasting, shattering, breaking, or splitting of rock or other material by the discharge of an explosive placed within or in contact with it. It is a necessary part of many engineering…

Bonnefoy, Yves

(Encyclopedia) Bonnefoy, YvesBonnefoy, Yvesēv bônfwäˈ [key], 1923–2016, French poet, critic, and translator of many of Shakespeare's plays and poems, studied Univ. of Poitier, Sorbonne. His verse, e.…

Bessemer, Sir Henry

(Encyclopedia) Bessemer, Sir HenryBessemer, Sir Henrybĕsˈəmər [key], English engineer and inventor, b. Charleton, Hertfordshire. He made experiments to obtain stronger material for gun manufacture…

World's Columbian Exposition

(Encyclopedia) World's Columbian Exposition, held at Chicago, May–Nov., 1893, in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. Authorized (1890) by…

Nordhoff, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Nordhoff, CharlesNordhoff, Charlesnôrdˈhŏf [key], 1830–1901, American journalist and author, b. Westphalia. In 1835 he emigrated with his family to Cincinnati. His service (1844–47) in…