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(Encyclopedia) coast, land bordering an ocean or other large body of water. The line of contact between the land and water surfaces is called the shoreline. It fluctuates with the waves and tides.…

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Teilhard de Chardin, PierreTeilhard de Chardin, Pierrepyĕr tāyärˈ də shärdăNˈ [key], 1881–1955, French paleontologist and philosopher. He entered (1899) the Jesuit order, was ordained…


(Encyclopedia) collagecollagekəläzhˈ, kō– [key] [Fr.,=pasting], technique in art consisting of cutting and pasting natural or manufactured materials to a painted or unpainted surface—hence, a work of…

García Moreno, Gabriel

(Encyclopedia) García Moreno, GabrielGarcía Moreno, Gabrielgäbrēĕlˈ gärsēˈä mōrāˈnō [key], 1821–75, president of Ecuador (1861–65, 1869–75), b. Guayaquil. A conservative with deep religious…


(Encyclopedia) granite, coarse-grained igneous rock of even texture and light color, composed chiefly of quartz and feldspars. It usually contains small quantities of mica or hornblende, and minor…

Gómez, José Miguel

(Encyclopedia) Gómez, José MiguelGómez, José Miguelhōsāˈ mēgĕlˈ gōˈmĕs [key], 1858–1921, president of Cuba (1909–13). He took part in the Ten Years War (1868–78) and the successful revolution begun…


(Encyclopedia) gypsumgypsumjĭpˈsəm [key], mineral composed of calcium sulfate (calcium, sulfur, and oxygen) with two molecules of water, CaSO4·2H2O. It is the most common sulfate mineral, occurring…


(Encyclopedia) humushumushy&oomacr;ˈməs [key], organic matter that has decayed to a relatively stable, amorphous state. It is an important biological constituent of fertile soil. Humus is formed…


(Encyclopedia) abrasive, material used to grind, smooth, cut, or polish another substance. Natural abrasives include sand, pumice, corundum, and ground quartz. Carborundum (silicon carbide) and…

horn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) horn, in zoology, one of a pair of structures projecting from the head of a hoofed animal, used chiefly as a weapon. In cattle, sheep, Old World antelopes, and related animals the…