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Smith, Hamilton Othanel

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Hamilton Othanel, 1931–, American biologist, b. New York City, M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1956. A professor at the Univ. of Michigan and Johns Hopkins, Smith worked with Daniel Nathans…

Baltic Shield

(Encyclopedia) Baltic Shield, the continental core of Europe, composed of Precambrian crystalline rock, the oldest of Europe. The tectonically stable region was not affected by the Caledonian,…


(Encyclopedia) polypropylenepolypropylenepŏlˌēprōˈpəlēn [key], plastic noted for its light weight, being less dense than water; it is a polymer of propylene. It resists moisture, oils, and solvents.…

Bassett, John Spencer

(Encyclopedia) Bassett, John Spencer, 1867–1928, American historian, b. Tarboro, N.C. He was professor of history at Trinity College (now Duke Univ.) from 1893 to 1906 and then at Smith from 1906 to…

expert system

(Encyclopedia) expert system, a computer system or program that uses artificial intelligence techniques to solve problems that ordinarily require a knowledgeable human. The method used to construct…

flotation process

(Encyclopedia) flotation process, in mineral treatment and mining, process for concentrating the metal-bearing mineral in an ore. Crude ore is ground to a fine powder and mixed with water, frothing…


(Encyclopedia) fiberglass, thread made from glass. It is made by forcing molten glass through a kind of sieve, thereby spinning it into threads. Fiberglass is strong, durable, and impervious to many…


(Encyclopedia) compost, substance composed mainly of partly decayed organic material that is applied to fertilize the soil and to increase its humus content; it is often used in vegetable farming,…

Willughby, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Willughby, FrancisWillughby, Franciswĭlˈəbē [key], 1635–72, English naturalist. He is known especially for his early systematic work on birds and fishes, in which he made some of the…

Benedetti, Giovanni Battista

(Encyclopedia) Benedetti, Giovanni BattistaBenedetti, Giovanni Battistajōvänˈnē bät-tēsˈtä bānādĕtˈtē [key], 1530–90, Italian mathematician and physicist. An important forerunner of Galileo,…