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Gossec, François Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Gossec, François JosephGossec, François JosephfräNswäˈ zhôzĕfˈ gôsĕkˈ [key], 1734–1829, Belgian composer; pupil of Rameau. In 1784 he organized the École Royale de Chant and taught (…


(Encyclopedia) TaunusTaunustouˈn&oobreve;s [key], range of the Rhenish Slate Mts., W Germany, extending c.50 mi (80 km) NE from the Rhine River, N of Mainz. It rises to 2,887 ft (880 m) in the…


(Encyclopedia) Suli or SouliSuliboth: s&oomacr;ˈlyē [key], small mountainous district, N Greece, in Epirus. Its inhabitants, the Suliotes, who lived in fortlike villages in the mountains,…

Royal Danish Ballet

(Encyclopedia) Royal Danish Ballet, one of the oldest major ballet companies, established at the opening of Denmark's Royal Theater in Copenhagen in 1748. Its ballet school, which trains the group's…

Schindler, Oskar

(Encyclopedia) Schindler, Oskar, 1908–74, German industrialist who saved more than a thousand Jews during the Holocaust. A Catholic and a member of the National Socialist (Nazi) party, Schindler…

Gulf War syndrome

(Encyclopedia) Gulf War syndrome, popular name for a variety of ailments experienced by veterans after the Persian Gulf War. Symptoms reported include nausea, cramps, rashes, short-term memory loss,…

mineral water

(Encyclopedia) mineral water, spring water containing various mineral salts, especially the carbonates, chlorides, phosphates, silicates, sulfides, and sulfates of calcium, iron, lithium, magnesium,…


(Encyclopedia) IgboIgboĭgˈbō [key] or IboIgboēˈbō [key], one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, deriving mainly from SE Nigeria, numbering around 15 million. Originally settled in many…

Mesdag, Hendrik Willem

(Encyclopedia) Mesdag, Hendrik WillemMesdag, Hendrik Willemhĕnˈdrĭk vĭlˈəm mĕsˈdäkh [key], 1831–1915, Dutch marine painter. He gave up banking at 35 to study painting. He later lived at The Hague and…

Maragall i Gorina, Joan

(Encyclopedia) Maragall i Gorina, JoanMaragall i Gorina, Joanzhōänˈ märəgälˈlyə ē gŏrēˈnə [key], 1860–1911, Catalonian poet and essayist. For many years he wrote articles and essays for the…