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cam, mechanical device

(Encyclopedia) cam, mechanical device for converting a rotating motion into a reciprocating, or back-and-forth, motion, or for changing a simple motion into a complex one. A simple form of cam is a…


(Encyclopedia) tidewater, in U.S. history, that part of the Atlantic coastal plain between the shoreline and the farthest upstream points in rivers reached by oceanic tides. In many cases the fall…


(Encyclopedia) ApenninesApenninesăpˈənīnz [key], Ital. Appennino, mountain system, running the entire length of the Italian peninsula. It extends south c.840 mi (1,350 km) from the Cadibona Pass in…

Ball, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Ball, Thomas, 1819–1911, American sculptor, b. Charlestown, Mass.; son of a house and sign painter. Thomas Ball was also a singer of reputation, the first in the United States to sing…

Poor, Henry Varnum

(Encyclopedia) Poor, Henry Varnum, 1888–1970, American painter, b. Chapman, Kans. Poor's lyrical still lifes, portraits, and landscapes are simply painted in many media. He painted murals in fresco…

Peterson, Roger Tory

(Encyclopedia) Peterson, Roger Tory, 1908–96, American ornithologist, writer, and illustrator, b. Jamestown, N.Y. He became famous with his best-selling pocket-sized Field Guide to the Birds (1934)…

North Platte project

(Encyclopedia) North Platte project, unit of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, in the North Platte River valley, W Nebr. and E Wyo. It supplies hydroelectric power to many towns and industries and…

Tassie, James

(Encyclopedia) Tassie, James, 1735–99, Scottish gem engraver and modeler. At first a stonemason, he went to Dublin, where he assisted the gem engraver Dr. Henry Quin. With him Tassie invented an…


(Encyclopedia) WindermereWindermerewĭnˈdərmēr [key], lake, 10.5 mi (17 km) long and 1 mi (1.6 km) wide, in the Lake District, Cumbria, NW England. It is c.210 ft (60 m) deep and lies among wooded…