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Rosenberg Case

(Encyclopedia) Rosenberg Case, in U.S. history, a lengthy and controversial espionage case. In 1950, the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Julius Rosenberg (1918–53), an electrical engineer…

tropical medicine

(Encyclopedia) tropical medicine, study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of certain diseases prevalent in the tropics. The warmth and humidity of the tropics and the often unsanitary conditions…


(Encyclopedia) Albuquerque Albuquerque ălˈbəkûrˌkē [key], city (2020 pop. 564,559), seat of Bernalillo co., W central N.Mex., on the upper Rio Grande; inc. 1890. The…

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud

(Encyclopedia) Ahmadinejad, MahmoudAhmadinejad, Mahmoudmäm&oomacr;dˈ ämädēnĕzhädˈ [key], 1956–, Iranian politician. From a humble background, he supported the Islamic revolution (1979) while…

Bede, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Bede, SaintBede, Saintbēd [key], or BaedaBaedabēˈdə [key] (St. Bede the Venerable), 673?–735, English historian and Benedictine monk, Doctor of the Church, also called the Venerable…

water mold

(Encyclopedia) water mold, common name for a group of multinucleated organisms that superficially resemble fungi but are now recognized as having an independent evolutionary lineage and are placed in…

Stettheimer, Florine

(Encyclopedia) Stettheimer, Florine, 1871–1944, American modernist painter, b. Rochester, N.Y., studied Art Students League, New York City (1892–95). She was exposed to the many forms of early…

Mutanabbi, al-

(Encyclopedia) Mutanabbi, al-, 915–65, Arab poet, considered the greatest classical Arabic poet, b. Iraq. His early involvement with a religious cult earned him the sobriquet “the would-be prophet.”…


(Encyclopedia) Largo, town (1990 pop. 65,674), Pinellas co., W Fla., on the Pinellas peninsula and the Gulf Coast, across the bay from Tampa; settled 1853, inc. 1905. It is a packing, canning, and…

Digger Indians

(Encyclopedia) Digger Indians, term indiscriminately applied to many Native Americans of the central plateau region of W North America, including tribes in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and…