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Johnson, Alexander Bryan

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Alexander Bryan, 1786–1867, American philosopher and semanticist, b. Gosport, England. He immigrated (1801) to the United States and eventually became a wealthy banker in…


(Encyclopedia) infanticideinfanticideĭnfănˈtəsīd [key] [Lat.,=child murder], the putting to death of the newborn with the consent of the parent, family, or community. Infanticide often occurs among…


(Encyclopedia) JabirJabirjāˈbĭr [key] or GeberGeberjēˈbər [key], fl. 8th cent., Arab alchemist and physician, originally named Jabir ibn Hayyan. He is believed to have lived at Kufa and at Baghdad. A…


(Encyclopedia) Lumbee, descendants of Native Americans whose language belonged to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). The ancestors of…

Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseyevich

(Encyclopedia) Nekrasov, Nikolai AlekseyevichNekrasov, Nikolai Alekseyevichnyĭkəlīˈ əlyĭksyāˈyəvĭch nyĭkräˈsəf [key], 1821–78, Russian poet, editor, and publisher. Nekrasov began writing poetry when…


(Encyclopedia) neuralgianeuralgian&oobreve;rălˈjə, ny&oobreve;– [key], acute paroxysmal pain along a peripheral sensory nerve. Unlike neuritis, there is no inflammation or degeneration of…

Nicholas, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Nicholas, Saint, patron of children and sailors, of Greece, Sicily, and Russia, and of many other places and persons. Little is known of him, but he is traditionally identified as a…

Oldenburg, Claes

(Encyclopedia) Oldenburg, ClaesOldenburg, Claesklăs [key], 1929–, Swedish-American artist, b. Stockholm, raised Chicago, studied at Yale, moved to New York 1956. Usually considered part of the pop…

Mount, William Sidney

(Encyclopedia) Mount, William Sidney, 1807–68, American genre and portrait painter, b. Setauket, N.Y. His childhood was spent at Stony Brook, Long Island, the scene of many of his pictures. At 17 he…

Maupeou, René Nicolas de

(Encyclopedia) Maupeou, René Nicolas deMaupeou, René Nicolas derənāˈ nēkôläˈ də mōp&oomacr;ˈ [key], 1714–92, chancellor of France (1768–74). He was president of the parlement of Paris before he…