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Cockaigne, Land of

(Encyclopedia) Cockaigne or Cockayne, Land ofCockaigne or Cockayne, Land ofboth: kŏkānˈ [key], legendary country described in medieval tales, where delicacies of food and drink were to be had for the…

Frith, William Powell

(Encyclopedia) Frith, William Powell, 1819–1909, English anecdotal and genre painter. His early paintings were illustrations, such as his Scene from a Sentimental Journey (Victoria and Albert Mus.).…

Graupner, Gottlieb

(Encyclopedia) Graupner, Gottlieb (Johann Christian Gottlieb), 1767–1836, German-American musician. In 1795 he came to the United States, settling in Charleston, S.C., where he played in the City…

Helps, Sir Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Helps, Sir Arthur, 1813–75, English historian and author. His works include Friends in Council (3 series, 1847–59), dialogues on social and intellectual subjects; The Spanish Conquest…

Hamilton, city, Bermuda

(Encyclopedia) Hamilton, city (1990 est. pop. 3,100), capital of Bermuda, on Bermuda Island. It is a port at the head of Great Sound, a huge lagoon and deepwater harbor protected by coral reefs. The…

Hall, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Hall, Edward, 1499?–1547, English chronicler. He wrote The Union of the Noble and Ilustre Famelies of Lancastre and York (1548), usually called Hall's Chronicle. A glorification of the…

Locatelli, Pietro

(Encyclopedia) Locatelli, PietroLocatelli, Pietropyĕˈtrō lōkätĕlˈlē [key], 1695–1764, Italian violinist and composer. Much of his life was spent in Amsterdam, where he died. An outstanding virtuoso,…

Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes

(Encyclopedia) Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 1862–1932, English author. He was a pacifist during World War I, and he was later instrumental in the conception of the League of Nations. His political…

Earth Day

(Encyclopedia) Earth Day, Apr. 22, a day to celebrate the environment. The first Earth Day was organized in 1970 to promote the ideas of ecology, encourage respect for life on earth, and highlight…

Kennan, George

(Encyclopedia) Kennan, George, 1845–1924, American authority on Siberia, b. Norwalk, Ohio. In 1864 he made the first of his journeys to East Asia as an engineer. His articles on Siberia, for many…