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(Encyclopedia) Laoighis,&sp;Laois, or LeixLeixall: lāsh, lēsh [key], county (1991 pop. 52,325), 664 sq mi (1,720 sq km), central Republic of Ireland. The county seat is Port Laoise (Maryborough…

Kelud, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Kelud, MountKelud, Mountkəl&oomacr;d [key], Bahasa Indonesia, Gunung Kelud, active volcano, 5,643 ft (1,720 m) high, central East Java prov., Indonesia, SE of Kediri and NE of…


(Encyclopedia) prose [Lat. prosa oratio=straightforward, or direct, speech], meaningful and grammatical written or spoken language that does not utilize the metrical structure, word transposition, or…

Enriquillo, Lago

(Encyclopedia) Enriquillo, LagoEnriquillo, Lagolägˈō ĕnˌrēkēˈlyō [key], salt lake, SW Dominican Republic, the largest lake of Hispaniola and the Caribbean islands, c.89 ft. (27 m) below sea level.…


(Encyclopedia) GarabogazkolGarabogazkolgəräˌbəgäzˌkôlˈ [key] or Kara-Bogaz-GolGarabogazkolkəräˌ-bəgäzˌ-gôlˈ [key], shallow bay,, in Turkmenistan. An arm of the Caspian Sea, it acts as a natural…


(Encyclopedia) MoerisMoerismērˈĭs [key], ancient name of Lake Karun (Arab. Birket Qarun), c.90 sq mi (230 sq km), NE Egypt, in El Faiyum. The size of the lake is much reduced from that described by…


(Encyclopedia) isobarisobarīˈsəbärˌ [key] or isobaric lineisobarīˌsəbărˈĭk [key], line drawn on a weather map through points of equal atmospheric pressure. Isobars are used to define cyclones (low-…


(Encyclopedia) Imphal Imphal ĭmˈpəl [key], city, capital of Manipur state, NE India, in the Manipur River…

lake dwelling

(Encyclopedia) lake dwelling, prehistoric habitation built over the shallow waters of a lake shore or a marsh, usually erected on pile-supported platforms, but sometimes on artificial islands or…

Kwan, Michelle Wingshan

(Encyclopedia) Kwan, Michelle Wingshan, 1980–, American figure skater, b. Torrance, Calif., In 1994 she won the silver medal at the U.S. National Championships and the gold medal in the World Junior…