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(Encyclopedia) LeitrimLeitrimlēˈtrĭm [key], county (1991 pop. 25,301), 589 sq mi (1,526 sq km), N Republic of Ireland. The county seat is Carrick-on-Shannon. Leitrim is divided into two parts by…

Siberian Platform

(Encyclopedia) Siberian Platform or Angara Shield, large, geologically stable area of Precambrian rocks, N Asia, comprising much of Siberia, Russia. It is bounded, in general, on the west by the…

Rutledge, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Rutledge, Edward, 1749–1800, political leader in the American Revolution, signer of the Declaration of Independence, b. Charleston, S.C.; brother of John Rutledge. He studied law at…

Puy de Dôme

(Encyclopedia) Puy de Dôme, extinct volcano of the Massif Central and the second highest peak (4,806 ft/1,465 m) of the Auvergne Mts., central France, W of Clermont-Ferrand. Crops are raised on the…


(Encyclopedia) NaivashaNaivashanīväˈshä [key], lake, 12 mi (19.3 km) long and 9 mi (14.5 km) wide, W central Kenya, E Africa, in the Great Rift Valley. Large flower farms that supply European flower…


(Encyclopedia) contour or contour line, line on a topographic map connecting points of equal elevation above or below mean sea level. It is thus a kind of isopleth, or line of equal quantity. Contour…

Great Rift Valley

(Encyclopedia) Great Rift Valley, geological fault system of SW Asia and E Africa. It extends c.3,000 mi (4,830 km) from N Syria to central Mozambique. The northernmost extension runs S through Syria…


(Encyclopedia) plain, large area of level or nearly level land. Elevated plains are called plateaus, or tablelands, and very low, wet plains are called swamps. Plains have different names in…


(Encyclopedia) pancreaspancreaspănˈkrēəs [key], glandular organ that secretes digestive enzymes and hormones. In humans, the pancreas is a yellowish organ about 7 in. (17.8 cm) long and 1.5 in. (3.8…


(Encyclopedia) GarabogazkolGarabogazkolgəräˌbəgäzˌkôlˈ [key] or Kara-Bogaz-GolGarabogazkolkəräˌ-bəgäzˌ-gôlˈ [key], shallow bay,, in Turkmenistan. An arm of the Caspian Sea, it acts as a natural…