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Seghers, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Seghers, AnnaSeghers, Annaäˈnä sēgərs [key], 1900–1983, German novelist, whose original name was Netty Reiling Rádvanyi. She won fame with her first novel of social protest, The Revolt…

Fetterman, William Judd

(Encyclopedia) Fetterman, William Judd, 1833?–1866, American army officer. In 1861 he enlisted in the Union army from Delaware; he served throughout the Civil War and was twice brevetted for gallant…

Joseph, Nez Percé chief

(Encyclopedia) Joseph (Chief Joseph), c.1840–1904, chief of a group of Nez Percé. On his father's death in 1871, Joseph became leader of one of the groups that refused to leave the land ceded to the…

Proud Boys

(Encyclopedia) Proud Boys, American political movement. Founded in 2016 by Vice Media cofounder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys promotes the philosophy…


(Encyclopedia) DaedalusDaedalusdĕdˈələs [key], in Greek mythology, craftsman and inventor. After killing his apprentice Talos in envy, he fled from Greece to Crete. There, he arranged the liaison…


(Encyclopedia) cattail or reed mace, any plant of the genus Typha, perennial herbs found in almost all open marshes. The cattail (also called club rush) has long narrow leaves, sometimes used for…

Charles V, duke of Lorraine

(Encyclopedia) Charles V (Charles Leopold), 1643–90, duke of Lorraine; nephew of Duke Charles IV. Deprived of the rights of succession to the duchy, he was forced to leave France and entered the…

Harris, Isham Green

(Encyclopedia) Harris, Isham GreenHarris, Isham Greenīˈshəm [key], 1818–97, American political leader, b. Franklin co., Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1841, he was elected in 1847 to the Tennessee…

Jemison, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Jemison, Mary, 1743–1833, American frontierswoman. She was born at sea while her parents were en route from Ireland to America. In W Pennsylvania she was captured (1758) by a French…

Céloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph de

(Encyclopedia) Céloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph deCéloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph depyĕr zhôzĕfˈ də sālərôNˈ də blăNvēlˈ [key], 1693–1759, French Canadian soldier, b. Montreal. He was…