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Brewer's: Leave some for Manners

In Ecclesiasticus it is written: “Leave off first for manners' sake: and be not unsatiable, lest thou offend.” - Chap. xxxi. 17. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…

Brewer's: Leaves without Figs

Show of promise without fulfilment. Words without deeds. Keeping the promise to the ear and breaking it to the sense. Of course, the allusion is to the barren figtree referred to in Luke…

The Supreme Court: Supporting Family Leave

Supporting Family LeaveThe Supreme CourtSeparating Government PowersWho's in Control—the States or the Federal Government?Killing Gun ControlSupporting Family LeaveAccepting Homosexuality…

Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass, Mannahatta

MannahattaI was asking for something specific and perfect for my city, Whereupon lo! upsprang the aboriginal name.Now I see what there is in a name, a word, liquid, sane, unruly, musical…

Amy Lowell: The City of Falling Leaves

The City of Falling LeavesLeaves fall, Brown leaves, Yellow leaves streaked with brown. They fall, Flutter, Fall again. The brown leaves, And the streaked yellow leaves, Loosen on their…

Walt Whitman: Roots and Leaves Themselves Alone

Roots and Leaves Themselves AloneRoots and leaves themselves alone are these, Scents brought to men and women from the wild woods and pond-side, Breast-sorrel and pinks of love, fingers that…

Walt Whitman: Here the Frailest Leaves of Me

Here the Frailest Leaves of MeHere the frailest leaves of me and yet my strongest lasting, Here I shade and hide my thoughts, I myself do not expose them, And yet they expose me more than all…