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White, Leslie Alvin

(Encyclopedia) White, Leslie Alvin, 1900–1975, American anthropologist, b. Salida, Colo., grad. Columbia, 1923, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1927. He taught at the Univ. of Buffalo and was curator of…

The Largest Body of Fresh Water

The Question: Could you tell me what the largest body of fresh water is in the world? The Answer: The largest freshwater lake in the world is Lake Superior in Michigan, which has an area of 31…

Lake County, MI Social Statistics

Lake county michigan dp 2 profile of selected social characteristics SubjectNumberPercent SCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school2,313100.0Nursery school,…

Lake County, MI Housing Statistics

Lake county michigan dp 4 profile of selected housing characteristics SubjectNumberPercent Total housing units13,498100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached9,15567.81-unit, attached530…

Menominee, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Menominee, river, 118 mi (190 km) long, formed by the union of the Brule and the Michigamme rivers above Iron Mountain, W Upper Peninsula, N Mich., and flowing SE into Green Bay at…


(Encyclopedia) Lansing. 1 Village (1990 pop. 28,086), Cook co., NE Ill., a suburb of Chicago, near the Ind. line; inc. 1893. Among the city's industries are meatpacking, food processing, and the…

Lake County, MI Economic Statistics

Lake county michigan dp 3 profile of selected economic characteristics SubjectNumberPercent EMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over9,225100.0In labor force4,27946.4Civilian…

Brewer's: Salt Lake

It has been stated that three buckets of this water will yield one of solid salt. This cannot be true, as water will not hold in solution more than twenty-five per cent. of saline matter.…

Brewer's: Asphaltic Lake

The Dead Sea, where asphalt abounds both on the surface of the water and on the banks. Asphalt is a bitumen. (From the Greek asphaltos.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Lady of the Lake

Vivien, mistress of Merlin, the enchanter, who lived in the midst of an imaginary lake, surrounded by knights and damsels. Tennyson, in the Idylls of the King, tells the story of Vivien…