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Geometry: Isometries

IsometriesGeometryTransformationsIsometriesDilationsSymmetry The word isometry is used to describe the process of moving a geometric object from one place to another without changing its size or…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: Third Adhyâya

1. The snarer who rules alone by his powers, who rules all the worlds by his powers, who is one and the same, while things arise and exists,—they who know this are immortal. 2. For there is one…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Security

SecurityThough her eye seek other forms And a glad delight below, Yet the love the world that warms Bids for me her bosom glow. She must love me till she find Another heart as large and true…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: Fourth Adhyâya

Fourth Adhyâya1. He, the sun, without any colour, who with set purpose by means of his power (sakti) produces endless colours, in whom all this comes together in the beginning, and comes…

Katha-Upanishad: Fourth Valli

  Second Adhyâya Fourth Valli 1. Death said: “The Self-existent pierced the openings (of the senses) so that they turn forward: therefore man looks forward, not backward into…