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Talavakara-Upanishad: Second Khanda

Second Khanda1. The Teacher says: “If thou thinkest I know it well, then thou knowest surely but little, what is that form of Brahman known, it may be, to thee?”2. The Pupil says: “I do not…

John Donne: Prayer X. Lente et serpenti

PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who as thy Son Christ Jesus, though he knew all things, yet said he knew not the day of judgment, because he knew it not so as that he might…

Edith M. Thomas: Winter Sleep

Winter SleepEdith M. ThomasI know it must be winter (though I sleep) — I know it must be winter, for I dream I dip my bare feet in the running stream, And flowers are many, and the grass…

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 12

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 11Chapter 13Chapter 12 It was on the ninth of November, the eve of his own thirty-eighth birthday, as he often remembered afterwards. He was walking home about…

Geometry: Isometries

IsometriesGeometryTransformationsIsometriesDilationsSymmetry The word isometry is used to describe the process of moving a geometric object from one place to another without changing its size or…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Hand telephone telephone, device for communicating sound, especially speech, usually by means of wires in an electric circuit. The telephones now in general use evolved from…