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Favorite Opera Stories

AïdaIl Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)La BohèmeBoris GodunovCarmenCavalleria Rusticana (Rustic Chivalry)La Cenerentola (Cinderella)Les Contes d'Hoffmann (Tales of Hoffmann)Cosi…

Brewer's: Beggar's Daughter

Bessee, the beggar's daughter of Bednall Green. Bessee was very beautiful, and was courted by four suitors at once- a knight, a gentleman of fortune, a London merchant, and the son of the…

Brewer's: Arthur

King of the Silures, a tribe of ancient Britons, was mortally wounded in the battle of Camlan, in Cornwall, raised by the revolt of his nephew, Modred. He was taken to Glastonbury, where…

Brewer's: Peerage of the Apostles

In the preamble of the statutes instituting the Order of St. Michael, founded in 1469 by Louis XI., the archangel is styled “my lord,” and is created a knight. The apostles had been…

Brewer's: Paladin

An officer of the Palatium or Byzantine palace, a high dignitary. Paladins. The knights of King Charlemagne. The most noted are Allory de l'Estoc; Astolfo; Basin de Genevois; Fierambras…

Brewer's: Grail

(The Holy). In French, San Graal. This must not be confounded with the san-greal or sang-real, for the two are totally distinct. The “Grail” is either the paten or dish which held the…

William Shakespeare: Henry VI (Pt 1), Act IV

Act IVScene IParis. A hall of stateEnter King Henry VI, Gloucester, Bishop OF Winchester, York, Suffolk, Somerset, Warwick, Talbot, Exeter, the Governor, of Paris, and othersGloucesterLord…

Brewer's: Lion

(as an agnomen). ALP ARSLAN [the Valiant Lion, son of Togrul Beg, the Perso-Turkish monarch. (Reigned 1063-1072.) ALI was called The Lion of God for his religious zeal and great courage.…

John Keats: Calidore

by JohnKeatsSpecimen of an Induction to a PoemTo Some LadiesCalidore A fragment Young Calidore is paddling o'er the lake; His healthful spirit eager and awake To feel the beauty of a…