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Brewer's: Tournament

or Tournay. A tilt of knights; the chief art of the game being so to manoeuvre or turn your horse as to avoid the adversary's blow. (French, tournoiement, verb, tournoyer.) Tournament of…

Brewer's: Gloriana

(Queen Elizabeth considered as a sovereign.) Spenser says in his Faërie Queene that she kept an annual feast for twelve days, during which time adventurers appeared before her to undertake…

Brewer's: Gregory

(A). A school-feast, so called from being held on St. Gregory's Day (March 12th). On this day the pupils at one time brought the master all sorts of eatables, and of course it was a dies…

Brewer's: Ivanhoe

I'vanhoe (3 syl.). Sir Wilfred, knight of Ivanhoe, is the disinherited son of Cedric of Rotherwood. He is first introduced as a pilgrim, in which guise he enters his father's hall, where…

Brewer's: Burbon

A knight assailed by a rabble rout, who batter his shield to pieces, and compel him to cast it aside. Talus renders him assistance, and is informed by the rescued knight that Fourdelis,…

Brewer's: Chivalry

The paladins of Charlemagne were all scattered by the battle of Roncesvallës. The champions of Diderick were all assassinated at the instigation of Chriemhilda, the bride of Ezzel, King of…

Brewer's: Arcite

(2 syl.). A young Theban knight, made captive by Duke Theseus, and shut up with Palamon in a prison at Athens. Here both the captives fell in love with Emily, the duke's sister-in-law.…

Brewer's: Rolls

[Chancery Lane, London]. So called from the records kept there in rolls of parchment. The house was originally built by Henry III, for converted Jews, and was called “Domus Conversorum.”…

Brewer's: White Moon

(Knight of the). Sampson Carrasco assumed this character and device, in order to induce Don Quixote to abandon knight errantry, and return home. The…

Brewer's: Palamon and Arcite

(2 syl.). Two young Theban knights who fell into the hands of “Duke Theseus,” and were shut up in a donjon at Athens. Both fell in love with Emily, the duke's sister-in-law. In time they…