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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: W
by Robert Burns VYW Wa', waw, a wall. Wab, a web. Wabster, a weaver. Wad, to wager. Wad, to wed. Wad, would, would have. Wad'a, would have. Wadna,…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: Y
by Robert Burns WY Yard, a garden; a stackyard. Yaud, an old mare. Yealings, coevals. Yell, dry (milkless). Yerd, earth. Yerkit, jerked. Yerl, earl…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: C
by Robert Burns BDC Ca', call, knock, drive. Cadger, a hawker (especially of fish). Cadie, caddie, a fellow. Caff, chaff. Caird, a tinker. Calf-ward, grazing…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: D
by Robert Burns CED Dad, daddie, father. Daez't, dazed. Daffin, larking, fun. Daft, mad, foolish. Dails, planks. Daimen icker, an odd ear of corn. Dam,…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: E
by Robert Burns DFE Ear', early. Earn, eagle. Eastlin, eastern. E'e, eye. E'ebrie, eyebrow. Een, eyes. E'en, even. E'en, evening. E'enin',…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: F
by Robert Burns EGF Fa', fall. Fa', lot, portion. Fa', to get; suit; claim. Faddom'd, fathomed. Fae, foe. Faem, foam. Faiket, let off, excused.…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: G
by Robert Burns FHG Gab, the mouth. Gab, to talk. Gabs, talk. Gae, gave. Gae, to go. Gaed, went. Gaen, gone. Gaets, ways, manners. Gairs,…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: H
by Robert Burns GIH Ha', hall. Ha' folk, the servants. Haddin, holding, inheritance. Hae, have. Haet, a thing. Haffet, hauffet, the temple, the side of the…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Terminology: I
by Robert Burns HJI I', in. Icker, an ear of corn. Ier-oe, a great-grandchild. Ilk, ilka, each, every. Ill o't, bad at it. Ill-taen, ill-taken. Ill-…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Glossary
by Robert Burns 1796GlossaryContentsABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWY