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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes
by Robert Burns Song-Willie Brew'd A Peck O' Maut I Gaed A Waefu' Gate YestreenCa' The Yowes To The Knowes Chorus.—Ca' the yowes to the knowes, Ca' them where the heather grows…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: I Gaed A Waefu' Gate Yestreen
by Robert Burns Ca' The Yowes To The KnowesHighland Harry Back AgainI Gaed A Waefu' Gate Yestreen I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen, A gate, I fear, I'll dearly rue; I gat my…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Highland Harry Back Again
by Robert Burns I Gaed A Waefu' Gate YestreenThe Battle Of SherramuirHighland Harry Back Again My Harry was a gallant gay, Fu' stately strade he on the plain; But now he's…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: The Battle Of Sherramuir
by Robert Burns Highland Harry Back AgainThe Braes O' KilliecrankieThe Battle Of Sherramuir Tune-"The Cameronian Rant." "O cam ye here the fight to shun, Or herd the sheep…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: The Braes O' Killiecrankie
by Robert Burns The Battle Of SherramuirAwa' Whigs, Awa'The Braes O' Killiecrankie Where hae ye been sae braw, lad? Whare hae ye been sae brankie, O? Whare hae ye been sae…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Awa' Whigs, Awa'
by Robert Burns The Braes O' KilliecrankieA Waukrife MinnieAwa' Whigs, Awa' Chorus.—Awa' Whigs, awa'! Awa' Whigs, awa'! Ye're but a pack o' traitor louns, Ye'll do nae…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: The Captive Ribband
by Robert Burns A Waukrife MinnieMy Heart's In The HighlandsThe Captive Ribband Tune-"Robaidh dona gorach." Dear Myra, the captive ribband's mine, 'Twas all my faithful…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: My Heart's In The Highlands
by Robert Burns The Captive RibbandThe Whistle-A BalladMy Heart's In The Highlands Tune-"Failte na Miosg." Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: The Whistle-A Ballad
by Robert Burns My Heart's In The HighlandsTo Mary In HeavenThe Whistle-A Ballad I sing of a Whistle, a Whistle of worth, I sing of a Whistle, the pride of the North. Was…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Song-She's Fair And Fause
by Robert Burns Sappho Redivivus-A FragmentImpromptu Lines To Captain RiddellSong-She's Fair And Fause She's fair and fause that causes my smart, I lo'ed her meikle and lang…