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Brewer's: Hull Cheese

Strong ale, or rather intoxicating cake, like “tipsy cake,” thus described by Taylor, the water-poet: “It is much like a loafe out of a brewer's basket; it is composed of two simples—…

Brewer's: Centaur

(2 syl.). A huntsman. The Thessalian centaurs were half-horses, half-men. They were invited to a marriage feast, and, being intoxicated, behaved with great rudeness to the women. The…

Brewer's: Dead Lock

A lock which has no spring catch. Metaphorically, a state of things so entangled that there seems to be no practical solution. “Things are at a dead-lock.” —The Times. Dead Men Empty…

Brewer's: Prairie Fever

(The). An enthusiastic love of prairie life, which seems to be part of our being, to strengthen our strength, invigorate our spirit, and endow us with new life. “What with gallops by day…

Brewer's: Renarder

(French). To vomit, especially after too freely indulging intoxicating drinks. Our word fox means also to be tipsy. Il luy visite la machoire, Quand l'autre luy renarde aux yeux. Le baume…

Brewer's: Slewed

Intoxicated When a vessel changes her tack, she staggers and gradually heels over. A drunken man moves like a ship changing her angle of sailing. (Probably from the Icelandic, snua, turn…

Brewer's: Teetotal

Those who sign the abstinence pledge are entered with O. P. (old pledge) after their name. Those who pledge themselves to abstain wholly from alcoholic drinks have a T (total) after their…

Brewer's: Mop

In many places statute fairs are held, where servants seek to be hired. Carters fasten to their hats a piece of whipcord; shepherds, a lock of wool; grooms, a piece of sponge, etc. When…

Brewer's: Maundrel

A foolish, vapouring gossip. The Scotch say, “Haud your tongue, maundrel.” As a verb it means to babble, to prate. In some parts of Scotland the talk of persons in delirium, in sleep, and…

U.S. Societies & Associations (R)

Railroads, Association of American (1934): 50 F St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-1564. Phone: (202) 639-2100. Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc., National Academy of (1957): 3402…