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Brewer's: Vino

In vino veritas. In wine is truth, meaning when persons are more or less intoxicated they utter many things they would at other times conceal or disguise. (Latin.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Screwed

Intoxicated. A playful synonym of tight, which again is a playful synonym of blown out. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Screwed on RightScrew Plot A B C…

Brewer's: Wine Mingled with Myrrh

(Mark xv. 23). Called by the Romans Murrhina (vinum myrrha conditum), given to malefactors to intoxicate them, that their sufferings from crucifixion…

Brewer's: Bemuse

(2 syl.). To get into a dreamy, half-intoxicated state. “Bemusing himself with beer.” —Sala: Gaslight and Daylight. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Manon Lescaut

A novel by the Abbé Prevost. It is the history of a young man possessed of many brilliant and some estimable qualities, but, being intoxicated by a fatal attachment, he is hurried into the…

Brewer's: Martin Drunk

Very intoxicated indeed; a drunken man “sobered” by drinking more. The feast of St. Martin (November 11) used to be held as a day of great debauch. Hence Baxter uses the word Martin as a…

Brewer's: Dutch Concert

A great noise and uproar, like that made by a party of Dutchmen in sundry stages of intoxication, some singing, others quarrelling, speechifying, wrangling, and so on. Source: Dictionary…

Ralp Waldo Emerson: The Poet, I

IRight upward on the road of fame With sounding steps the poet came; Born and nourished in miracles, His feet were shod with golden bells, Or where he stepped the soil did peal As if the dust…

Brewer's: Centaur

(2 syl.). A huntsman. The Thessalian centaurs were half-horses, half-men. They were invited to a marriage feast, and, being intoxicated, behaved with great rudeness to the women. The…

Brewer's: Dead Lock

A lock which has no spring catch. Metaphorically, a state of things so entangled that there seems to be no practical solution. “Things are at a dead-lock.” —The Times. Dead Men Empty…