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Brewer's: Intoxication

Pliny (xvi. 20) tells us this word is derived from taxa, a species of bay-tree used for poisoning arrows. Hence the Greek toxon (a bow and arrows), and toxicon (rank poison). Source:…


(Encyclopedia) intoxication, condition of body tissue affected by a poisonous substance. Poisonous materials, or toxins, are to be found in heavy metals such as lead and mercury, in drugs, in…

chloral hydrate

(Encyclopedia) chloral hydratechloral hydrateklōrˈəl hīˈdrāt [key], central nervous system depressant that is widely used as a hypnotic, or sleep-inducing drug. Chloral hydrate is the common…


(Encyclopedia) alcoholism, 04/00 disease characterized by impaired control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism is a serious problem worldwide; in the United States the wide…

lead poisoning

(Encyclopedia) lead poisoning or plumbismplumbismplŭmˈbĭzˌəm [key], intoxication of the system by organic compounds containing lead. These enter the body by respiration (of dust, fumes, or sprays) or…

Brewer's: Boozy

Partly intoxicated. (Russian, busa, millet-beer; Latin, buza, from buo, to fill; Welsh, bozi; Old Dutch, buyzen, to tipple; Coptic, bouza, intoxicating drink.) “In Egypt there is a beer…

Brewer's: Amethyst

A species of rock-crystal supposed to prevent intoxication (Greek, a-methusta, the antidote of intoxication). Drinking-cups made of amethyst were supposed to be a charm against inebriety.…

Brewer's: Intone

(2 syl.). To thunder out, intonation, the thundering of the voice. (Latin, tono, to thunder.) The Romans said that Cicero and Demosthenes “thundered out their orations.” To recite in a…

Brewer's: Intrigue

(2 syl.), comes from the Greek thrix, hair, whence the Latin tricæ, trifles or hairs, and the verb intrico, to entangle; the Germans have the verb trugen, to deceive. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Assassins

A band of Carmathians, collected by Hassan, subah of Nishapour, called the Old Man of the Mountains, because he made Mount Lebanon his stronghold. This band was the terror of the world for…