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Homeric Hymns

(Encyclopedia) Homeric HymnsHomeric Hymnshōmĕrˈĭk [key], name applied to a body of 34 hexameter poems falsely attributed to Homer by the ancients. Composed probably between 800 and 300 b.c., they are…

Ku K'ai-chih

(Encyclopedia) Ku K'ai-chihKu K'ai-chihg&oomacr; kī-jûr [key], c.344–c.406, Chinese painter, one of the most eminent painters before the T'ang dynasty. He was especially noted for his portraits…

National Institute of Standards and Technology

(Encyclopedia) National Institute of Standards and Technology, governmental agency within the U.S. Dept. of Commerce with the mission of “working with industry to develop and apply technology,…

Blakeslee, Albert Francis

(Encyclopedia) Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874–1954, American botanist, b. Genesee, New York. He received his Ph.D. at Harvard (1904) and was a member of the faculty until 1907. After several years…

Otto of Freising

(Encyclopedia) Otto of FreisingOtto of Freisingfrīˈzĭng [key], b. after 1111, d. 1158, German chronicler, bishop of Freising. He was a son of Leopold III of Austria, a half-brother of Emperor Conrad…

Rodbell, Martin

(Encyclopedia) Rodbell, Martin, 1925–1998, American biochemist, b. Baltimore, Ph.D. Univ. of Washington, 1954. He was a researcher (1956–1985) at the National Heart Institute in Bethesda, Md., before…


(Encyclopedia) HerodotusHerodotushērŏdˈətəs [key], 484?–425? b.c., Greek historian, called the Father of History, b. Halicarnassus, Asia Minor. Only scant knowledge of his life can be gleaned from…


(Encyclopedia) neurotransmitter, chemical that transmits information across the junction (synapse) that separates one nerve cell (neuron) from another nerve cell or a muscle. Neurotransmitters are…

Al-Biruni, Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad

(Encyclopedia) Al-Biruni or Al Beruni, Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn AhmadAl-Biruni or Al Beruni, Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmadäb&oomacr;ˈ rīhänˈ məhămˈĭd ĭbˈən äˈməd ăl-bēr&oomacr;ˈnē, ăl bĕr&…