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Displaying 371 - 380

The Supreme Court: Confessing Illegally

Confessing IllegallyThe Supreme CourtArresting RulesLimiting Forced MedicationConfessing Illegally Tossing out a confession at trial can frequently result in the loss of a conviction, so…

The Supreme Court: Paying for Campaigns

Paying for CampaignsThe Supreme CourtElecting Our LeadersElection Machinery That WorksRemapping DistrictsPaying for CampaignsGetting the Word OutSwitching Parties Campaign financing laws can…

Chemistry: Predicting Reaction Products

Predicting Reaction ProductsChemistryChemical EquationsLet's Make Chili!Getting Our IngredientsHow Much of Each Ingredient Do We Need?Writing Complete EquationsAdding Variety to Our MenuPredicting…

Rare and Deadly Diseases: Mad Cow Disease

Mad Cow DiseaseRare and Deadly DiseasesIntroductionHemorrhagic FeversEbola: Africa's Bloody DiseaseMarburgHantavirus: Four Corners, United StatesMad Cow DiseaseCJD: Mad Cow's Human…

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Introduction

IntroductionSexually Transmitted DiseasesIntroductionChlamydia: The Most Common STDGenital HerpesGenital Warts and HPVSyphilis: A Sexual Scourge with a Long HistoryGonorrhea In This Section The…

Writing Well: You Could Look It Up: Definition

You Could Look It Up: DefinitionWriting WellYou Got Some 'Splaining to Do, Lucy: ExpositionThe Perfect Couple: Cause and EffectNeat and Tidy: Classify-DivideAlike and Different: Comparison and…