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Displaying 351 - 360

Brewer's: Philistines

meaning the ill-behaved and ignorant. The word so applied arose in Germany from the Charlies or Philisters, who were in everlasting collision with the students; and in these “town and gown…

Brewer's: Twelve

Each English archer carries twelve Scotchmen under his girdle. This was a common saying at one time, because the English were unerring archers, and each archer carried in his belt twelve…

Equations vs. Inequalities

Equations vs. Inequalities Algebra Linear Inequalities Equations vs. Inequalities Solving Basic Inequalities The Inequality Mood Swing Graphing Solutions Compound Inequalities Inequalities…

Algebra: Introducing Variables

Introducing Variables Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…

Chemistry: Shake It Up: Mixtures

Shake It Up: MixturesChemistryElements, Compounds, and MixturesPure SubstancesShake It Up: MixturesColloids: Somewhere in BetweenSeparating Mixtures Mixtures are materials that contain more than…

Childhood Diseases: Infectious Mononucleosis

Infectious MononucleosisChildhood DiseasesIntroductionThe Polio PanicChickenpoxEar AchesMeasly MeaslesMumpsRubellaDeadly DiphtheriaPertussis, or Whooping CoughTerrifying TetanusThe Importance of…

Fungal Infections: Fighting Fungus

Fighting FungusFungal InfectionsIntroductionTypes of InfectionFungal Infections of the SkinFighting Fungus As noted earlier in this section, the strength or weakness of the body's immune system is…

The Common Cold

Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health. The problem. In the course of a year, individuals in the United States suffer one billion colds,…

Carnivorous Plants

Flipping the food chain Venus's flytrap   Most carnivorous plants eat flying, foraging, or crawling insects. Those that live in or around water capture very small aquatic prey like mosquito…