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Displaying 451 - 460

Blake, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Blake, Edward, 1833–1912, Canadian Liberal party leader, b. Upper Canada (Ontario). A prominent constitutional lawyer, he was elected to the House of Commons in 1867. In 1871 he became…

World Economic Forum

(Encyclopedia) World Economic Forum (WEF), independent international organization that seeks to improve the state of the world by encouraging partnerships between the public and private sectors, est…

Valley, The

(Encyclopedia) Valley, The, town (2001 pop. 1,169), capital of the British dependency of Anguilla, in the West Indies. Located in the approximate center of the island, it is Anguilla's main town and…


(Encyclopedia) census, periodic official count of the number of persons and their condition and of the resources of a country. In ancient times, among the Jews and Romans, such enumeration was mainly…

Steelyard, Merchants of the

(Encyclopedia) Steelyard, Merchants of the, German hanse, or merchants guild, residing at the Steelyard on the Thames near the present Ironbridge Wharf at London, England. The merchants of the…

Royal Academy of Arts

(Encyclopedia) Royal Academy of Arts, London, the national academy of art of England, founded in 1768 by George III at the instigation of Sir William Chambers and Benjamin West. Sir Joshua Reynolds…

gun control

(Encyclopedia) gun control, government limitation of the purchase and ownership of firearms. The availability of guns is controlled by nations and localities throughout the world. In the United…

Orizaba, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) OrizabaOrizabaōrēsäˈbä [key], city (1990 pop. 114,216), Veracruz state, E central Mexico. It is the commercial center of a prosperous bean and sugar growing region. The development of…

Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d earl of

(Encyclopedia) Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3d earl of, 1694–1753, English patron and architect of the Neo-Palladian movement. Even before age 21, when he became a member of the Privy Council and Lord…

William III, king of the Netherlands

(Encyclopedia) William III, 1817–90, king of the Netherlands and grand duke of Luxembourg (1849–90), son and successor of William II. William III ruled as a constitutional monarch, and his long reign…