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Burleson, Albert Sidney

(Encyclopedia) Burleson, Albert SidneyBurleson, Albert Sidneybûrˈləsən [key], 1863–1937, U.S. Postmaster General (1913–21), b. San Marcos, Tex.; grandson of Edward Burleson. He was a lawyer of Austin…

Perry, Rick

(Encyclopedia) Perry, Rick (James Richard Perry), 1950–, American politician, governor of Texas (2000–2015), b. Haskell, Tex. A fifth-generation Texan from the state's agricultural western plains, he…

Ames, Oakes

(Encyclopedia) Ames, Oakes, 1804–73, American manufacturer, railroad promoter, and politician, b. Easton, Mass. With his brother Oliver he managed the family's well-known shovel factory at Easton.…

Poinsett, Joel Roberts

(Encyclopedia) Poinsett, Joel RobertsPoinsett, Joel Robertspoinˈsĕt [key], 1779–1851, American diplomat and politician, b. Charleston, S.C. In 1810 he was sent as a special commissioner to South…

Collins, Susan Margaret

(Encyclopedia) Collins, Susan Margaret, , 1952- , American politician, b. Caribou, Me., St. Lawrence University (BA, 1975). Both of Collins’s parents…

Tallmadge, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) Tallmadge, BenjaminTallmadge, Benjamintălˈmĭj [key], 1754–1835, American Revolutionary soldier, b. Brookhaven, N.Y. Joining a Connecticut regiment, he served throughout the Revolution…

Waxman, Henry Arnold

(Encyclopedia) Waxman, Henry Arnold, 1939–, U.S. congressman, b. Los Angeles, grad. Univ. of California, Los Angeles. (B.A., 1961; J.D., 1964). After serving (1969–74) in the California state…

Long, Earl Kemp

(Encyclopedia) Long, Earl Kemp, 1895–1960, American political figure, b. Winnfield, La.; brother of Huey Long. A lawyer, he was given a state office when his brother became governor. He ran for…

Norris, George William

(Encyclopedia) Norris, George William, 1861–1944, American legislator, b. Sandusky co., Ohio. After admission to the bar in 1883, he moved (1885) to Furnas co., Nebr., where he practiced law and was…


(Encyclopedia) legislature, representative assembly empowered to enact statute law. Generally the representatives who compose a legislature are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the…