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(Encyclopedia) diabetes or diabetes mellitusdiabetesməlīˈtəs [key], chronic disorder of glucose (sugar) metabolism caused by inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone produced in specialized…


(Encyclopedia) kryptonkryptonkrĭpˈtŏn [key] [Gr.,=hidden], gaseous chemical element; symbol Kr; at. no. 36; at. wt. 83.798; m.p. −156.6℃; b.p. −152.3℃; density 3.73 grams per liter at STP; valence…

Herzog, Werner

(Encyclopedia) Herzog, Werner, 1942–, German director, screenwriter, and producer; originally named Werner Stipetic. A leading contemporary German filmmaker, Herzog is known for his vivid and poetic…

psychosomatic medicine

(Encyclopedia) psychosomatic medicinepsychosomatic medicinesīˌkōsōmătˈĭk [key], study and treatment of those emotional disturbances that are manifested as physical disorders. The term psychosomatic…

folk medicine

(Encyclopedia) folk medicine, methods of curing by means of healing objects, herbs, or animal parts; ceremony; conjuring, magic, or witchcraft; and other means apart from the formalized practice of…

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Ferlinghetti, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lawrence fûrˈlĭng-gĕtˈē [key], 1919–2021, American author and…

Coetzee, J. M.

(Encyclopedia) Coetzee, J. M. (John Maxwell Coetzee)Coetzee, J. M.köˈtsē [key], 1940–, South African novelist, b. John Michael Coetzee. Educated at the Univ. of Cape Town (M.A. 1963) and the Univ. of…

Graham, Martha

(Encyclopedia) Graham, Martha, 1894–1991, American dancer, choreographer, and teacher, b. Pittsburgh. Her family moved from Allegheny, Pa., to Santa Barbara, Calif., when she was 14. After 1916,…

Guevara, Che

(Encyclopedia) Guevara, Che (Ernesto Guevara)Guevara, Chechā gāväˈrä, ārnĕsˈtō [key], 1928–67, Cuban revolutionary and political leader, b. Argentina. Trained as a physician at the Univ. of Buenos…


(Encyclopedia) aging, in biology, cumulative changes in an organism, organ, tissue, or cell leading to a decrease in functional capacity. In humans, aging is associated with degenerative changes in…