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(Encyclopedia) Barnaul Barnaul bərnə&oomacr;lˈ [key], city, capital of Altai Territory, SW Siberian Russia, on the…

oxygen tent

(Encyclopedia) oxygen tent, device used to maintain a patient in an oxygen-rich environment. The oxygen tent is composed of a clear plastic sheet suspended over the bed and tucked beneath the…


(Encyclopedia) biofeedback, method for learning to increase one's ability to control biological responses, such as blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate. Sophisticated instruments are often…


(Encyclopedia) diagnosis, determination of the nature of a disease or ailment. A clinical diagnosis is based on the medical history and physical examination of the patient: it may be confirmed with X…

relapsing fever

(Encyclopedia) relapsing fever, infectious disease caused by a spirochete bacteria of the genus Borrelia and characterized by a high fever that breaks and then recurs a one to two weeks later.…

Walker, Alice

(Encyclopedia) Walker, Alice, 1944–, African-American novelist and poet, b. Eatonon, Ga. The daughter of sharecroppers, she studied at Spelman College (1961–63) and Sarah Lawrence College (B.A., 1965…


(Encyclopedia) caffeinecaffeinekăfēnˈ [key], odorless, slightly bitter alkaloid found in coffee, tea, kola nuts (see cola), ilex plants (the source of the Latin American drink maté), and, in small…


(Encyclopedia) thorax, body division found in certain animals. In humans and other mammals it lies between the neck and abdomen and is also called the chest. The skeletal frame of the thorax is…


(Encyclopedia) WausauWausauwôˈsô [key], city (1990 pop. 37,060), seat of Marathon co., central Wis., on the Wisconsin River; settled 1839, inc. 1872. It is an industrial, commercial, insurance, and…

Carter, Mrs. Leslie

(Encyclopedia) Carter, Mrs. Leslie, 1862–1937, American actress, b. Lexington, Ky., whose maiden name was Caroline Louise Dudley. She became a protégée of Belasco and first appeared in 1890 in The…