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(Encyclopedia) hearts, card game played by three to six players with an ordinary deck. All the cards are dealt to the players. After a card is led, each hand must follow suit if possible. The object…

internal medicine

(Encyclopedia) internal medicine, branch of medicine concerned with nonsurgical remedies for diseases of the internal organs. While the internist is trained to diagnose and treat all pathologies of…


(Encyclopedia) Elyria Elyria ēlērˈēə [key], city (2020 pop. 52,656), seat of Lorain co., N Ohio, on the Black…

Starling, Ernest Henry

(Encyclopedia) Starling, Ernest Henry, 1866–1927, English physiologist, b. India. He was professor (1899–1923) at University College, London. He was an authority on heart action and circulation. With…

Banská Bystrica

(Encyclopedia) Banská Bystrica Banská Bystrica bänˈskä bĭsˈtrĭtsäˌ [key], city,…

Palma Soriano

(Encyclopedia) Palma SorianoPalma Sorianopälˈmä sōryäˈnō [key], city (1981 pop. 55,851), Santiago de Cuba prov., SE Cuba, in the Cauto River valley. It is a road and rail hub and the commercial and…


(Encyclopedia) beef, flesh of cattle prepared for food. It has become one of the chief products of the meatpacking industry and is sold either chilled, frozen, or cured. The leading beef consumers,…

Orphic Mysteries

(Encyclopedia) Orphic Mysteries or Orphism, religious cult of ancient Greece, prominent in the 6th cent. b.c. According to legend Orpheus founded these mysteries and was the author of the sacred…

Melrose, town, Scotland

(Encyclopedia) Melrose, town (1991 pop. 2,221), Scottish Borders, S Scotland, on the Tweed River. It is the site of one of the finest ruins in Scotland—Melrose Abbey, owned by the nation and founded…


(Encyclopedia) biofeedback, method for learning to increase one's ability to control biological responses, such as blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate. Sophisticated instruments are often…