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Sara Teasdale: "The Dreams of My Heart"

"The Dreams of My Heart"The dreams of my heart and my mind pass, Nothing stays with me long, But I have had from a child The deep solace of song;If that should ever leave me, Let me find…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: To the Queen of My Heart

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Fragment from the Wandering JewTo the Queen of My Heart Published as Shelley's by Medwin, "The Shelley Papers", 1833, and by Mrs. Shelley, "Poetical Works", 1839,…


(Encyclopedia) edemaedemaĭdēˈmə [key], abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body tissues or in the body cavities causing swelling or distention of the affected parts. Edema of the ankles and lower…


(Encyclopedia) injection, introduction of a fluid into the body, usually by means of a needle and syringe. The material injected may be a test substance (as in determining allergic sensitivity or…

Ashe, Arthur Robert

(Encyclopedia) Ashe, Arthur Robert, 1943–93, American tennis player, b. Richmond, Va. Ashe rose from his hometown's public courts to become the first African-American male to reach prominence in…


(Encyclopedia) diureticdiureticdīˌyərĕtˈĭk [key], drug used to increase urine formation and output. Diuretics are prescribed for the treatment of edema (the accumulation of excess fluids in the…


(Encyclopedia) hypertension or high blood pressure, elevated blood pressure resulting from an increase in the amount of blood pumped by the heart or from increased resistance to the flow of blood…


(Encyclopedia) nicotine, C10H14N2, poisonous, pale yellow, oily liquid alkaloid with a pungent odor and an acrid taste. It turns brown on exposure to air. Nicotine, a naturally occurring constituent…


(Encyclopedia) Beaverton, city (2020 pop. 99,561), Washington co., NW Oreg., a suburb of Portland, in a farm area; inc. 1893. Beaverton is the heart of…