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Kawasaki disease

(Encyclopedia) Kawasaki disease or Kawasaki syndrome, acute illness characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels that primarily affects young children; it is more common in boys and children of…

thrombolytic drug

(Encyclopedia) thrombolytic drugthrombolytic drugthrŏmˌbəlĭtˈĭk [key] or clot-dissolving drug, substance, such as streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), that causes the breakdown of…

Minnesota, University of

(Encyclopedia) Minnesota, University of, main campus at Minneapolis–St. Paul; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1851 and 1868, opened as a university 1869. Other campuses are…

calcium-channel blocker

(Encyclopedia) calcium-channel blocker, any of a class of drugs used in treating hypertension, angina pectoris, and certain arrhythmias. They prevent the calcium ions needed for muscle contraction…

cardiac failure

(Encyclopedia) cardiac failure: see congestive heart failure.

Harvey, William

(Encyclopedia) Harvey, William, 1578–1657, English physician considered by many to have laid the foundation of modern medicine, b. Folkestone, studied at Cambridge, M.D. Univ. of Padua, 1602.…

Carrel, Alexis

(Encyclopedia) Carrel, AlexisCarrel, Alexiskärĕlˈ, kə– [key], 1873–1944, American surgeon and experimental biologist, b. near Lyons, France, M.D. Univ. of Lyons, 1900. Coming to the United States in…


(Encyclopedia) tourniquettourniquett&oobreve;rˈnĭkĕt, –kā, tûrˈ– [key], compression device used to cut off the flow of blood to a part of the body, most often an arm or leg. It may be a special…

A. E. Housman: If truth in hearts that perish

If truth in hearts that perish Could move the powers on high, I think the love I bear you Should make you not to die.Sure, sure, if stedfast meaning, If single thought could save, The…

Bliss Carman: Lord of my Heart's Elation

Lord of my Heart's ElationBliss CarmanLord of my heart's elation, Spirit of things unseen, Be thou my aspiration Consuming and serene!Bear up, bear out, bear onward, This mortal soul alone,…