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William Shakespeare: King Lear, Act I, Scene III

Scene IIIThe Duke of Albany's palaceEnter Goneril, and Oswald, her stewardGonerilDid my father strike my gentleman for chiding of his fool?OswaldYes, madam.GonerilBy day and night he wrongs…

Lewis Carroll: I

IThere was an ancient City, stricken down With a strange frenzy, and for many a day They paced from morn to eve the crowded town, And danced the night away.I asked the cause: the aged man…

Anatomy and
Physiology: The Bones

The BonesAnatomy and PhysiologyThe BonesThe Parts of a BoneThat's the Long and Short of ItThe More Things Change …Now with a Self-Repairing Option! Skeleton is an interesting word; big fat…

Brewer's: Crescit

Crescit sub pondere Virtus (Virtue thrives best in adversity). The allusion is to the palm-tree, which grows better when pressed by an incumbent weight. Many plants grow the better for…

Brewer's: Serpentine Verses

Such as end with the same word as they begin with. The following are examples: “Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit.” (Greater grows the love of pelf, as pelf itself, grows…


SecretsJo was very busy in the garret, for the October days began to grow chilly, and the afternoons were short. For two or three hours the sun lay warmly in the high window, showing Jo…

The Garden

The Garden How vainly men themselves amaze To win the Palm, the Oke, or Bayes; And their uncessant Labours see Crown'd from some single Herb or Tree, Whose short and narrow verged Shade Does…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 23, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 22, 1805July 24, 1805July 23, 1805 Tuesday July 23rd 1805. Set out early as usual; Capt. Clark left us with his little party of 4 men and…