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Red River Settlement

(Encyclopedia) Red River Settlement, agricultural colony in present Manitoba, North Dakota, and Minnesota. It was the undertaking of Thomas Douglas, 5th earl of Selkirk. Wishing to relieve the…


(Encyclopedia) polecat, carnivorous mammal of the weasel family. The name refers especially to the common Old World polecat, Mustela putorius, found in wooded areas of N Eurasia and N Africa. Similar…


(Encyclopedia) axolotlaxolotlăkˈsəlŏtˌəl [key], a salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum, found in certain lakes in the region of Mexico City, which reaches reproductive maturity without losing its larval…


(Encyclopedia) soybean,&sp;soya bean, or soy pea, leguminous plant (Glycine max, G. soja, or Soja max) of the family Leguminosae (pulse family), native to tropical and warm temperate regions of…


(Encyclopedia) botulismbotulismbŏchˈəlĭzˌəm [key], acute poisoning resulting from ingestion of food containing toxins produced by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum. The bacterium can grow only in an…

blue crab

(Encyclopedia) blue crab, common name for a crustacean, Callinectes sapidus, found on the S Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. The blue crab is a member of the family of swimming crabs known…


(Encyclopedia) AthenaAthenaəthēˈnə [key], or Pallas AthenaPallas Athenapălˈəs [key], in Greek religion and mythology, one of the most important Olympian deities. According to myth, after Zeus seduced…

Hoffa, Jimmy

(Encyclopedia) Hoffa, Jimmy (James Riddle Hoffa)Hoffa, Jimmyhôfˈə [key], 1913–75?, U.S. labor leader, b. Brazil, Indiana. As a young warehouseman he organized (1932) a union that was admitted two…


(Encyclopedia) hibernationhibernationhīˌbərnāˈshən [key] [Lat.,= wintering], practice, among certain animals, of spending part of the cold season in a more or less dormant state, apparently as…

right whale

(Encyclopedia) right whale, name for whales of the family Balaenidae. They were so named by whalers, who for centuries considered them “the right whales” to hunt, because they float when killed and…