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Bighorn Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Bighorn Mountains, range of the Rocky Mts., N central Wyo., extending c.120 mi (190 km) N into S Montana, E of the Bighorn River. Cloud Peak, 13,165 ft (4,013 m), is the highest point…

Wrangell Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Wrangell Mountains, S Alaska, extending c.100 mi (160 km) SE from the Copper River to the Canadian border, where they meet the St. Elias Mts. Mt. Blackburn (16,523 ft/5,036 m) is the…

White Mountains

(Encyclopedia) White Mountains, part of the Appalachian system, N N.H. and SW Maine, rising to 6,288 ft (1,917 m) at Mt. Washington in the Presidential Range and to 5,249 ft (1,600 m) at Mt.…

Torngat Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Torngat Mountains, N Labrador, N.L., Canada, northernmost range of the Laurentian Plateau, between the Atlantic coast and the Quebec border, extending c.120 mi (190 km) north-south and…

Transantarctic Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Transantarctic Mountains, mountain chain stretching across Antarctica from Victoria Land to Coats Land; separating the E Antarctic and W Antarctic subcontinents. Mt. Markham (14,275 ft…

Catskill Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Catskill Mountains, dissected plateau of the Appalachian Mt. system, SE N.Y., W of the Hudson River. This glaciated region, wooded and rolling, with deep gorges and many waterfalls, is…

Sayan Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Sayan MountainsSayan Mountainssäyänˈ [key], central Asia, chiefly in S Siberia. The Eastern Sayan Mts. extend c.680 mi (1,090 km) from the lower Yenisei River to the southwest end of…

Selkirk Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Selkirk Mountains, rugged range of the Rocky Mts., SE British Columbia, Canada, near the Alta. border and extending northwest c.200 mi (320 km) from the U.S. border. Mt. Sir Sanford (…