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Aesop's Fables: The She-Goats and Their Beards

by Aesop The Ass In the Lion's SkinThe Old LionThe She-Goats and Their Beards Jupiter granted beards to the She-Goats at their own request, much to the disgust of the he-Goats, who…

morocco, type of leather

(Encyclopedia) morocco, goatskin leather, dyed on the grain side and boarded by hand or machine to bring up the grain in a bird's-eye effect. It probably originated with the Arabs in North Africa as…


(Encyclopedia) ibexibexīˈbĕks [key], wild goat, genus Capra, found in rugged country on mountain ranges from central Asia to the Himalayas, S Europe, and NE Africa. Ibexes are surefooted and agile;…


(Encyclopedia) AurigaAurigaôrīˈgə [key] [Lat.,=the charioteer or wagoner], northern constellation traditionally represented as a man, possibly Vulcan, carrying a goat on his shoulder while driving a…


(Encyclopedia) LupercaliaLupercalial&oomacr;pərkālˈyə [key], ancient Roman festival held annually on Feb. 15. The ceremony of the festival was intended to secure fertility and keep out evil. Two…


(Encyclopedia) satyrsatyrsāˈtər, sătˈər [key], in Greek mythology, part bestial, part human creature of the forests and mountains. Satyrs were usually represented as being very hairy and having the…

Earl (The Goat) Manigault 1998 Deaths

Earl (The Goat) ManigaultAge: 53 New York City playground legend who battled the likes of Lew Alcindor and Connie Hawkins in the 1960s; his heroin addiction cost him a professional…

Flannagan, John Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Flannagan, John BernardFlannagan, John Bernardflănˈəgən [key], 1895–1942, American sculptor, b. Fargo, N.Dak., studied at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. His early life was a bitter…


(Encyclopedia) KíthiraKíthirakēˈthērä [key] or CytheraCytherasĭthērˈə [key], island (1991 pop. 3,021), c.109 sq mi (282 sq km), S Greece, in the Mediterranean Sea, southernmost of the Ionian Islands…