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Harkness, Edward Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Harkness, Edward Stephen, 1874–1940, American philanthropist, b. Cleveland. He inherited a fortune from his father, a partner of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. His extensive philanthropies,…

Colom Caballeros, Álvaro

(Encyclopedia) Colom Caballeros, Álvaro, 1951–, Guatemalan political leader, president of Guatemala (2008–12), b. Guatemala City. An industrial engineer, he became a textile entrepreneur. Entering…

value-added tax

(Encyclopedia) value-added tax (VAT), levy imposed on business at all levels of the manufacture and production of a good or service and based on the increase in price, or value, provided by each…

Rinehart, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Rinehart, William Henry, 1825–74, American sculptor, b. near Union Bridge, Md. A Baltimore stonecutter, he became one of the best of the early American sculptors, working in the…

Maxwell, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Maxwell, Robert (Ian Robert Maxwell), 1923–91, British business executive, b. Czechoslovakia as Jan Ludwik Hoch. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish community. After fleeing the Nazis in…

Ásgeirsson, Ásgeir

(Encyclopedia) Ásgeirsson, ÁsgeirÁsgeirsson, Ásgeiräsˈkĕr äsˈkĕrsôn [key], 1894–1972, Icelandic statesman, president of Iceland (1952–68). He was a member of the Icelandic parliament from 1923 to…

Lescaze, William

(Encyclopedia) Lescaze, WilliamLescaze, Williamlĕskäzˈ [key], 1896–1969, American architect, born and trained in Switzerland. Emigrating to the United States in 1920, Lescaze became influential in…

Special Drawing Rights

(Encyclopedia) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), type of international monetary reserve currency established (1968) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Created in response to worries concerning…