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International Monetary Fund

(Encyclopedia) International Monetary Fund (IMF), specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1945. It was planned at the Bretton Woods Conference (1944), and its headquarters are in…

United Nations Children's Fund

(Encyclopedia) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a specialized fund of the United Nations. It was established in 1946 as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, and became…


(Encyclopedia) UNICEFUNICEFy&oomacr;ˈnĭsĕfˌ [key], the United Nations Children's Fund, an affiliated agency of the United Nations. The term UNICEF is an acronym for the original name of the…

Commonwealth Fund

(Encyclopedia) Commonwealth Fund, foundation established (1918) by Anna M. Harkness, wife of Stephen V. Harkness, an early Standard Oil investor, “for the welfare of mankind.” Its headquarters are in…

hedge fund

(Encyclopedia) hedge fund, in finance, a largely unregulated investment device with a relatively small number of investors that aims to outperform the markets. Originating in the 1950s, the funds “…

exchange-traded fund

(Encyclopedia) exchange-traded fund (ETF), in finance, an investment company that in exchange for the deposit of a portfolio of stocks, bonds, commodities, or other assets issues securities that…

community chest

(Encyclopedia) community chest, cooperative organization of citizens and social welfare agencies in a city. Also known as a united fund, it has two purposes: to raise funds through an annual campaign…

Bogle, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Bogle, Jack (John Clifton Bogle)Bogle, Jack [key], 1929–2019, American financial executive, b. Montclair, N.J., grad. Princeton (1951). Going to work for Walter Morgan's Wellington…

Dillard, James Hardy

(Encyclopedia) Dillard, James HardyDillard, James Hardydĭlˈərd [key], 1856–1940, American educator, b. Nansemond co., Va., grad. Washington and Lee Univ., 1876. Professor (1891–1907) of Latin at…

World Wildlife Fund

(Encyclopedia) World Wildlife Fund (WWF), international organization formed to raise money for conservation projects, est. 1961. The international organization, believing that its name no longer…