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Brewer's: Fund

The sinking fund is money set aside by the Government for paying off a part of the national debt. This money is “sunk,” or withdrawn from circulation, for the bonds purchased by it are…

Brewer's: Funds

or Public Funds. Money lent at interest to Government on Government security. It means the national stock, which is the foundation of its operations. A fall in the funds is when the…

ABCs of Mutual Funds

Sound advice from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Comparing Different Funds Terms To Know Buying and Selling Shares You can buy some mutual fund shares by contacting the…

Comparing Different Funds

Once you identify the types of funds that interest you, it is time to look at particular funds in those categories.Past Performance A fund's past performance is not as important as you might…

Brewer's: Consolidated Fund

(The). In 1757 an Act was passed for consolidating the nine loans bearing different interests, into one common loan bearing an interest of three per cent. In 1890 this interest was reduced…

sinking fund

(Encyclopedia) sinking fund, sum set apart periodically from the income of a government or a business and allowed to accumulate in order ultimately to pay off a debt. A preferred investment for a…


(Encyclopedia) fund-raising, large-scale soliciting of voluntary contributions, especially in the United States. Fund-raising is widely undertaken by charitable organizations, educational…

mutual fund

(Encyclopedia) mutual fund, in finance, investment company or trust that has a very fluid capital stock. It is unique in that at any time it can sell or redeem any of its outstanding shares at net…