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(Encyclopedia) eel, common name for any fish in the order Anguilliformes, and characterized by a long snakelike body covered with minute scales embedded in the skin. Eels lack the hind pair of fins,…


(Encyclopedia) otter, name for a number of aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the weasel family, found on all continents except Australia. The common river otters of Eurasia and the Americas are species…


(Encyclopedia) cobra, name for African and Asian snakes of the family Elapidae that are equipped with inflatable neck hoods. The family also includes the African mambas, the Asian kraits, the New…


(Encyclopedia) alligator, large aquatic reptile of the genus Alligator, in the same order as the crocodile. There are two species—a large type found in the S United States and a small type found in E…


(Encyclopedia) hedgehog, Old World insectivorous mammal of the family Erinaceidae. The spiny hedgehogs are found in Africa and Eurasia, except SE Asia. They have rounded bodies up to 13 in. (33 cm)…

The Devil's Dictionary: Cat

by Ambrose Bierce CARTESIANCAVILERCAT -n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle. This is a dog, This is a…

Brewer's: Psycarpax

[granary thief]. Son of Troxartas, King of the Mice. The Frogking offered to carry the young prince over a lake, but scarcely had he got midway when a water-hydra appeared, and King Frog,…

Brewer's: Galvanism

(g hard). So called from Louis Galvani, of Bologna. Signora Galvani in 1790 had frog-soup prescribed for her diet, and one day some skinned frogs which happened to be placed near an…

Brewer's: Lateran

The ancient palace of the Laterani, given by the Emperor Constantine to the popes. Lateran, from lateo, to hide, and rana, a frog. It is said that Nero ... on one occasion vomited a frog…

Aesop's Fables: The Swollen Fox

by Aesop The Quack FrogThe Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Swollen Fox A hungry Fox found in a hollow tree a quantity of bread and meat, which some shepherds had placed there against…