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Damon the Mower

Damon the Mower Heark how the Mower Damon Sung, With love of Juliana stung! While ev'ry thing did seem to paint The Scene more fit for his complaint. Like her fair Eyes the day was fair; But…

With <i>Goblet</i> in Hand

Harry Potter fans celebrate Book Four by Holly Hartman This article was posted on January 20, 2000. Take the Goblet of Fire Quiz ! At about 750 pages, the latest Harry Potter should keep fans…

Passover (Pesach)

Celebration of the Exodus Passover Dates (beginning at sundown on the following dates) 2020: April 92021: March 282022: April 162023: April 62024: April 232025: April 13 The Ten Plagues…

The Devil's Dictionary: Friendship

by Ambrose Bierce FRIENDLESSFROGFRIENDSHIP -n. A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul. The sea was calm and the sky was blue; Merrily, merrily sailed we…

Aesop's Fables: The Boy and the Nettles

by Aesop The Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Peasant and the Apple-TreeThe Boy and the Nettles A Boy was gathering berries from a hedge when his hand was stung by a Nettle. Smarting with…

Aesop's Fables: The Farmer and the Viper

by Aesop The Grasshopper and the AntsThe Two FrogsThe Farmer and the Viper One winter a Farmer found a Viper frozen and numb with cold, and out of pity picked it up and placed it in his…

Aesop's Fables: The Boy Bathing

by Aesop The Old LionThe Quack FrogThe Boy Bathing A Boy was bathing in a river and got out of his depth, and was in great danger of being drowned. A man who was passing along a road heard…

Aesop's Fables: The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree

by Aesop The Frogs Asking for a KingThe Lion and the BoarThe Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree An Olive-tree taunted a Fig-tree with the loss of her leaves at a certain season of the year. "You…