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Displaying 451 - 460

Upshaw, Gene

(Encyclopedia) Upshaw, Gene (Eugene Upshaw, Jr.), 1945–2008, American football player and labor union leader, b. Robstown, Tex. He attended Texas College of Arts and Industries (now Texas A&M,…

Butler, Richard Austen

(Encyclopedia) Butler, Richard Austen, 1902–82, British politician. Educated at Cambridge, he entered Parliament in 1929 as a Conservative. As minister of education (1941–45), he piloted through…

Tarski, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Tarski, AlfredTarski, Alfredtärˈskē [key], 1901–83, Polish-American mathematician and philosopher, Ph.D. Univ. of Warsaw, 1924, b. Alfred Teitelbaum, changed his named 1923. He…


(Encyclopedia) theodolitetheodolitethēŏdˈəlītˌ [key], calibrated optical instrument used to determine relative position in surveying, navigation, and meteorology. It is similar in construction to a…

Thomson, Sir George Paget

(Encyclopedia) Thomson, Sir George Paget, 1892–1975, English physicist; son of Sir Joseph John Thomson. He was professor of natural philosophy at the Univ. of Aberdeen (1922–30) and from 1930 to 1952…

White, Horace

(Encyclopedia) White, Horace, 1834–1916, American journalist and author, b. Colebrook, N.H., grad. Beloit College, 1853. As a reporter for the Chicago Tribune he covered the Lincoln-Douglas debates…


(Encyclopedia) WillemstadWillemstadvĭlˈəmstät [key], city (1992 pop. 24,235), capital of Curaçao and former capital of the Netherlands Antilles. The city was the commercial and industrial center of…

Bondevik, Kjell Magne

(Encyclopedia) Bondevik, Kjell MagneBondevik, Kjell Magnekhyĕl mägənə bōnˈdəvēk [key], 1947–, Norwegian political leader, b. Molde. He studied at the Norway's Free Faculty of Theology and was…


(Encyclopedia) Brčko, internationally supervised self-governing district, NE Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Sava River, part of both the Federation of…

Brétigny, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Brétigny, Treaty ofBrétigny, Treaty ofbrātēnyēˈ [key], 1360, concluded by England and France at Brétigny, a village near Chartres, France. It marked a low point in French fortunes in…