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Changing Views of Free Speech in the U.S.

Many Americans, including many who supported the new Constitution, criticized the document because it lacked a bill of rights—a listing of the basic rights held by people against the new…

International Trade: The Argument for Free Trade

The Argument for Free TradeInternational TradeIntroductionExports, Imports—Why Bother?The Argument for Free TradeArguments Against Free TradeBarriers to International TradeInternational Trade…

International Trade: Arguments Against Free Trade

Arguments Against Free TradeInternational TradeIntroductionExports, Imports—Why Bother?The Argument for Free TradeArguments Against Free TradeBarriers to International TradeInternational Trade…

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

In three separate ceremonies in the three capitals on Dec. 17, 1992, President Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney signed the historic North American Free…

Free-Soil party

(Encyclopedia) Free-Soil party, in U.S. history, political party that came into existence in 1847–48 chiefly because of rising opposition to the extension of slavery into any of the territories newly…

Irish Free State

(Encyclopedia) Irish Free State: see Ireland; Ireland, Republic of.