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(Encyclopedia) WolofWolofwōlˈəf [key], black African ethnic group numbering over 3 million, along the Atlantic coast of W Africa; most live in Senegal, but there is a significant minority in Gambia.…


(Encyclopedia) madrasa or madrassah, in Islamic countries, a school, historically usually one devoted to higher education in religious studies, but the term may refer to any school. Privately endowed…


(Encyclopedia) hemoglobinhemoglobinhēˈməglōˌbĭn [key], respiratory protein found in the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of all vertebrates and some invertebrates. A hemoglobin molecule is composed of…

Lamennais, Félicité Robert de

(Encyclopedia) Lamennais or La Mennais, Félicité Robert deLamennais or La Mennais, Félicité Robert defālēsētāˈ rōbĕrˈ də lämənāˈ [key], 1782–1854, French Roman Catholic apologist and liberal, b.…

domestic service

(Encyclopedia) domestic service, work performed in a household by someone who is not a member of the family. It was performed by slaves in many early civilizations, e.g., in Greece and Rome. Under…


(Encyclopedia) Barnburners, radical element of the Democratic party in New York state from 1842 to 1848, opposed to the conservative Hunkers. The name derives from the fabled Dutchman who burned his…

skin diving

(Encyclopedia) skin diving, act of swimming freely underwater. It is done with the aid of a face mask, swimming fins for the feet, and either a snorkel breathing tube or scuba [acronym for self-…

reed instrument

(Encyclopedia) reed instrument, in music, an instrument whose sound-producing agent is a thin strip of cane, wood, plastic, or metal that vibrates as air is passed over it. The predecessor of these…

socialized medicine

(Encyclopedia) socialized medicine, publicly administered system of national health care. The term is used to describe programs that range from government operation of medical facilities to national…


(Encyclopedia) entail, in law, restriction of inheritance to a limited class of descendants for at least several generations. The object of entail is to preserve large estates in land from the…