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(Encyclopedia) nonmetal, chemical element possessing certain properties by which it is distinguished from a metal. In general, this distinction is drawn on the basis that a nonmetal tends to accept…


(Encyclopedia) emphysemaemphysemaĕmfĭsēˈmə [key], pathological or physiological enlargement or overdistention of the air sacs of the lungs. A major cause of pulmonary insufficiency in chronic…


(Encyclopedia) americiumamericiumămərĭˈshēəm [key], artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Am; at. no. 95; mass no. of most stable isotope 243; m.p. about 1,175℃; b.p. about 2,600…


(Encyclopedia) ShamerShamershāˈmər [key], in 1 Chronicles. 1 Temple singer. 2 Grandson of Heber. An alternate form is Shomer.


(Encyclopedia) SaphSaphsăf [key], in the Bible, Philistine giant killed by one of David's men. An alternate form is Sippai.


(Encyclopedia) BalakBalakbāˈlăk [key], in the Bible, king of Moab who hired Balaam to curse Israel. Balac is a Greek form.


(Encyclopedia) EzbonEzbonĕzˈbŏn [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Gad. An alternate form is Ozni. 2 Benjamin's grandson.


(Encyclopedia) DeuelDeueldy&oomacr;ˈəl [key], in the Bible, father of Eliasaph the Gadite. An alternate form is Reuel.


(Encyclopedia) HassenaahHassenaahhăsēnāˈə [key], in the Bible, family name of workers on the wall of Jerusalem. An alternate form is Senaah.

Wesleyan College

(Encyclopedia) Wesleyan College, at Macon, Ga.; United Methodist; for women; chartered 1836 as Georgia Female College. The present form of the name was adopted in 1919. Wesleyan College was the first…