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Famous Firsts by the Rolling Stones

The Stones' first concert, No. 1 hit, and more   Mick Jagger and Keith Richards Source: WikiCommons Related Links Lasting Influence of the Rolling Stones The Rolling Stones…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: First Adhyâya

1. The Brahma-students say: Is Brahman the cause? Whence are we born? Whereby do we live, and whither do we go? O ye who know Brahman, (tell us) at whose command we abide, whether in pain or in…

The First Part of Henry the Fourth

ContentsDramatis PersonaeAct IScene IScene IIScene IIIAct IIScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVAct IIIScene IScene IIScene IIIAct IVScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVAct VScene IScene IIScene IIIScene…

The First Part of Henry the Sixth

ContentsDramatis PersonaeAct IScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVScene VScene VIAct IIScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVScene VAct IIIScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVAct IVScene IScene IIScene IIIScene…

George Sterling: The First Food

The First FoodGeorge SterlingMother, in some sad evening long ago, From thy young breast my groping lips were taken, Their hunger stilled, so soon again to waken, But nevermore that holy…

Treaty of Ghent: Article the First

His Britannic Majesty and the...Article the SecondArticle the First There shall be a firm and universal Peace between His Britannic Majesty and the United States, and between their…

Walt Whitman: The First Dandelion

The First DandelionSimple and fresh and fair from winter's close emerging, As if no artifice of fashion, business, politics, had ever been, Forth from its sunny nook of shelter'd grass—…

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Abraham Lincoln March 4, 1861 Fellow citizens of the United States: in compliance with a custom as old as the government itself, I appear before…

Amy Lowell: Part First

Part FirstFrau Concert-Meister Altgelt shut the door. A storm was rising, heavy gusts of wind Swirled through the trees, and scattered leaves before Her on the clean, flagged path. The sky…

Lewis Carroll: The First Voice

The First VoiceHe trilled a carol fresh and free, He laughed aloud for very glee: There came a breeze from off the sea:It passed athwart the glooming flat— It fanned his forehead as he sat—…