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Martelly, Michel Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Martelly, Michel Joseph, 1961–, Haitian musician and political leader. After periods of living in the United States, he returned home in 1987 and became a keyboard player and singer,…

Peter the Hermit

(Encyclopedia) Peter the Hermit, c.1050–1115, French religious leader. In 1095 he was a very successful preacher of the First Crusade (see Crusades), and he led one of its bands. In 1096 he reached…


(Encyclopedia) Clovis. 1 City (2020 pop. 120,124, Fresno co., S central Calif., near the foothills of the Sierra Nevada range; inc. 1912. It is a…

Forrest, John Forrest, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Forrest, John Forrest, 1st Baron, 1847–1918, Australian explorer and statesman. In 1869 he led an expedition to the west of Lake Barlee in search of the missing Friedrich Leichhardt,…

Peace Corps

(Encyclopedia) Peace Corps, agency of the U.S. government, whose purpose is to assist underdeveloped countries in meeting their needs for trained manpower. The Peace Corps was established in 1961 by…

Ruth, Babe

(Encyclopedia) Ruth, Babe (George Herman Ruth), 1895–1948, American baseball player, considered by many the greatest of all baseball players, b. Baltimore. Ruth, a left hander, proved to be (1914–…

The Celtic Twilight: The Old Town

by W. B. Yeats Earth, Fire and WaterThe Man and His BootsThe Old Town I fell, one night some fifteen years ago, into what seemed the power of faery. I had gone with a young man and his…